CHEM MASTER SGT600 SERIES 6.0 Purity Two Stage Stainless Steel Diaphragm Cylinder Regulator

CHEM MASTER SGT600 SERIES 6.0 Purity Two Stage Stainless Steel Diaphragm Cylinder Regulator


Chem Master SGT600 series two stage diaphragm cylinder regulators are designed for primary pressure gas control of corrosive, toxic, and high purity gases up to grade 6.0 purity (99.9999%), on applications where constant delivery pressure is required as cylinder pressure decreases.

■ SGT601 Series | Two Stage Diaphragm Cylinder Regulator, FFKM Pressure Relief Valve, FKM Seal
■ SGS602 Series | Two Stage Diaphragm Cylinder Regulator, FFKM Pressure Relief Valve, EPDM Seal

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